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Project ID: 627

GetSnack product Wiki


Welcome to the GetSnack Administrator's Manual. As an essential part of your company snacking experience, this guide aims to empower you with the knowledge and tools necessary to optimize the GetSnack application for your unique needs.

GetSnack is an innovative application created to reinvent the management of snack bars in workplaces around the globe. Unlike traditional solutions such as vending machines, GetSnack offers the flexibility and customization that today's dynamic workplaces require.

Why use GetSnack?

  1. Freedom in Product Selection: With GetSnack, you are not limited to a pre-set selection of products. You have the freedom to curate your product portfolio according to your company's preferences, making your snack bar more tailored and appealing.
  2. Scalability: As your company evolves, so can your snack bar. Whether your team is expanding, or office visits fluctuate, GetSnack allows you to scale your snack bar accordingly, ensuring no resources are wasted and that snacks are always available when needed.
  3. Multi-location Capability: GetSnack is designed to provide a consistent snacking experience across multiple sites while maintaining each site as an independent stock location. This ensures inventory management is location-specific, yet all users enjoy the same seamless experience.

In this manual, we provide detailed, step-by-step instructions for navigating the features and functionalities of GetSnack. From initial setup to managing multi-location scenarios, this guide covers everything you need to leverage the full potential of the application.

At GetSnack, our goal is to elevate your company's snacking experience, making it efficient, customizable, and enjoyable for all. We look forward to embarking on this exciting journey together. Let's begin!

Quick setup guide

  1. Installation: First install GetSnack from the Apple App Store or Google Play.

  2. Admin Registration: Open the app and select 'Sign Up' to create your admin account. Provide the necessary information, such as your full name, email address, and create a secure password. Remember to keep your login details safe for future use. Alternatively you can use your Google or Apple identity. If you choose to use Apple identity please do not use 'Hide My Email' feature.

  3. Snack bar creation: After registration tap on 'Create new' and choose your unique snack bar ID, snack bar name and currency. For now, turn off the 'Use Financial Balance' and 'Stock Management'. You can always switch those features on later.


  4. Product catalogue: Your snack bar is ready, and now you need to create your product catalog. In settings select 'Products->Add product' and add your first product. Remember that every product must have at least one barcode. If your product does not have one you can create your own CODE128 or EAN code. You can type the barcode manually but barcode can be scanned from the product as well.


  5. Invite employees: You need to invite employees to access your snack bar and purchase products. In settings select 'Users->Invite user'. Provide user email, choose the user's preferred language, and tap on 'Send invitation'. Users receive an email invitation with instructions on how to install GetSnack and register to their snack bar.

    image.pngCongratulation you have set up your snack bar. You have products to offer and employees can purchase them.

Digital version of pen-and-paper tallies

GetSnack was originally created to replace the pen and paper company snack bar management where employees noted what they took from the snack bar.

The Quick Setup Guide from the previous chapter resulted in the digital implementation of pen-and-paper tallies. In this configuration, GetSnack collects user transactions and provides a report to the snack bar admin. The report is a digital representation of the pen-and-paper tallies where admin can find all individual transactions but also total spend per user.

To generate the transaction report, navigate to 'Settings->Generate Report', choose the month and tap the 'Generate report' button. GetSnack will generate the report as an Excel file and send it to your email address.


The report itself has three tabs. The first tab contains all the transactions in selected month so you have all raw data for your calculations. The second tab contains spend aggregated by user. We will talk about the third tab in next section.


The basic GetSnack configuration allows you to:

  • manage snack bar users - invite and delete,
  • manage snack bar product catalog - add, update and delete products
  • generate monthly transaction report which gives you data to charge users

Digital version of pen-and-paper tallies for multiple departments

Managing snack bar costs across various departments or organizational units can be a complex task in larger organizations. GetSnack offers a solution by replicating the simplicity of traditional pen-and-paper tallies in a digital format.

Through our User Group feature, GetSnack allows users to be assigned to specific departments or units within your organization. Each User Group corresponds to one of these units, ensuring a structured and organized tracking of snack bar usage.

Our monthly transaction report provides detailed insights at both the transactional and User Group levels. Each transaction is tagged with its corresponding User Group, and the total expenditure for each group is also highlighted.

With this report, snack bar administrators can easily identify the costs to be recharged to each organizational unit. Moreover, it provides a comprehensive breakdown of individual consumption within these units, empowering them to distribute costs among employees effectively.

How to achieve that

Assuming your snack bar was set according to the Quick Setup Guide, go to 'Settings->User Groups', rename the 'Default user group' and add as many user groups as you need. All users you have created so far were automatically assigned to 'Default user group' by GetSnack. As you have renamed it they are now members of this renamed user group.

You can now assign each user with the appropriate user group by going to 'Settings->Users'.

image.pngUser groups can be renamed at any time. However, they can only be deleted if no users assigned to them.

To delete the User Group swipe the group left and tap delete.

image.pngTo find out who is member of the User Group use a filter in screen 'Settings->Users'.

image.pngUpon generating the transaction report, you will see spending by User Group under the third tab, 'User Groups total'.



With the use of the User Group you can allocate snack bar costs to individual departments. Yet you can find user level details so departments can recharge individual users.

Allow On the house payments

Snack bar admin may in some cases like to allow employees to get snacks from the snack bar without charging. This is typical when you have a client or visitor. An employee with access to your snackbar can purchase a snack for the visitor via his mobile phone. However, he does not wish to pay for it since the visitor was invited by the company. In this case, the employee has the option to make the transaction as on the house transaction and provides a reason code why.

How to achieve that

The on-the-house transactions are now allow by default. This feature must be enabled by snack bar admin first in the 'Settings->Snack bar->On the house payments'



When you enable 'On the house payments' in your snack bar employees can mark their purchases accordingly. Transaction reports show you who purchased what on the house.

image.pngManage stock in GetSnack

GetSnack can help you manage your snack bar stock level. With the Stock management feature, you can monitor the stock levels online. Additionally, you could perform stock recounting to determine if some items are missing. Stock management can be a handy feature, but it can also be quite a time-consuming process for which you should plan your resources.

As soon as the fresh snacks arrive you need to inbound it into the GetSnack. When some snacks expire you need to write them off. With some periodicity you have to recount the physical stock in the snack bar and correct the stock levels in GetSnack so they are aligned.

How to achieve that

Go to 'Settings->Snack bar' and enable Stock management. This adds new items to the Settings menu as you can see in the figure below.
